Raphael Dhuot
Sociology – CNAV
After a social science thesis, defended in 2018 (AgroParisTech), devoted to the social factors of differentiation in the diet of very young children, I am currently working in the Aging Research Unit of the CNAV.
My research focuses in particular on the social factors of resistance to vaccination among the elderly. Using data from a major survey (CONSOL2), I have investigated the effects of changes in interpersonal relationships and media consumption on the actual vaccination and vaccination intentions against COVID-19 among pensioners aged 60 and over (see: Dhuot, R. (2024). Social factors in vaccination and vaccine hesitancy among people aged 60 and over in France. Santé Publique, 36(6), 11-23). Using census data and data from the Ministry of Health, I am now continuing this work by researching the socio-structural factors favorable to influenza vaccination for people aged 60 and over. I am particularly interested in the effects of the potential localized accessibility of general practitioners and private nurses on the vaccination rate at different territorial levels.