Hugo Touzet
Hugo Touzet
Sociology – CNRS, Cermes3
Hugo Touzet
Sociology – CNRS, Cermes3
Judith Mueller
Epidemiology, Vaccinology – l’Ecole des hautes études en santé publique, Institut Pasteur, ARENES (RSMS)
Elisabeth Botelho-Nevers
Medicine, Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Vaccinology – Centre d’investigation clinique 1408 Inserm, CHU de Saint-Etienne, Institut PRESAGE, Université Jean Monnet
Jean-Luc Cracowski
Pharmacovigilance/Clinical Pharmacology – Centre Regional de Pharmacovigilance, Laboratoire HP2-U1300, Université & CHU Grenoble Alpes
Charles Khouri
Pharmacovigilance/Clinical Pharmacology – Centre Regional de Pharmacovigilance, Centre d’Investigation Clinique-CIC 1406, Laboratoire HP2-U1300, Université & CHU Grenoble Alpes Patrick Peretti-Watel Sociology Patrick Peretti-Watel is a sociologist and Research Director at the ( in the Emerging Viruses Unit in Marseille. My research over the last twenty years has focused on health risks, including risk behaviour, risk perceptions and crisis management. Since the H1N1 crisis, I have been interested in vaccination issues and have…
Linda C. Karlsson, Amanda Garrison , Dawn Holford , Angelo Fasce , Stephan Lewandowsky, Frederike Taubert, Philipp Schmid, Cornelia Betsch, Fernanda Rodrigues, Lisa Fressard, Pierre Verger, and Anna Soveri, Healthcare professionals’ attitudes to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination: Cross-sectional survey data from four European countries, Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, Aug;19(2):2256442, 2023. Mandatory vaccinations are widely debated… Jeremy K. Ward Sociology – Inserm Jeremy K. Ward is a sociologist and research fellow at Inserm in the CERMES3 laboratory. I’m interested in the emergence of public debates and public attitudes to science on medical issues. My approach lies at the intersection of political sociology, the sociology of science and the sociology… Pierre Verger Epidemiology and public health – Observatoire régional de la santé Provence-Alpes-Côte d’azur, UVE (Unité des Virus Emergents, UMR IRD, INSERM, Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées) Pierre Verger is the director of the Observatoire régional de la santé, and a research associate at UVE (Unité des Virus Emergents, UMR IRD, INSERM,…
Leonardo W Heyerdahl
Medical anthropology – Unité Anthropologie et Écologie de Maladies Émergentes, Département Santé Globale, Institut Pasteur