Publication: To understand mRNA vaccine hesitancy, stop calling the public anti-science

P Peretti-Watel, P Verger, JK Ward, Nature Medicine 30 (4), 923-924 Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic acceler-ated the development of mRNA vaccines and provided proof of concept for this new approach to protect humans against infectious diseases, as well as other diseases such as cancer. However, the use of mRNA technology depends on the public’s attitude…

Publication: Health Literacy and Health Care System Confidence as Determinants of Attitudes to Vaccines in France: Representative Cross-Sectional Study

G Khoury, JK Ward, J Mancini, A Gagneux-Brunon, LB Luong Nguyen, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 10, e45837 Abstract Background:Health literacy involves individuals’ knowledge, personal skills, and confidence to take action to evaluate and appraise health-related information and improve their health or that of their community. Objective:This study aimed to analyze the association between health…

Publication: Explaining political differences in attitudes to vaccines in France: partisan cues, disenchantment with politics and political sophistication

JK Ward, S Cortaredona, H Touzet, F Gauna, P Peretti-Watel, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 11373758 Abstract Context: The role of political identities in determining attitudes to vaccines has attracted a lot of attention in the last decade. Explanations have tended to focus on the influence of party representatives on their sympathizers (partisan…

Publication: Context matters: How to research vaccine attitudes and uptake after the COVID-19 crisis

JK Ward, P Peretti-Watel, E Dubé, P Verger, K Attwell, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 20 (1), 2367268 Abstract The pandemic dramatically accelerated research on vaccine attitudes and uptake, a field which mobilizes researchers from the social sciences and humanities as well as biomedical and public health disciplines. The field has the potential to contribute much…

Study day: Vaccination and healthcare professionals on 24 January 2025 in Paris

On 24 January 2025, we will be holding a one-day meeting in Paris dedicated to vaccine issues among healthcare professionals, with talks by Katie Attwell, Ivan Sainsaulieu, Leonardo Heyerdahl, Anaïs Le Breton & Hugo Touzet, as well as a session focusing on intervention research, with Judith Mueller, Dawn Holford and Aurélie Gauchet. More details to…

Programme 2024-2025 of the Vaccination et Sciences Humaines et Sociales seminar organised by the SHS-Vaccination-France network

Programme of Friday seminars (14:00-15:30), online, from September 2024 to June 2025: 2024 : – 27 September : Noëmon Baudouin (sciences cognitives). Interventions pour réduire l’hésitation vaccinale des adolescents : un essai contrôlé randomisé. – 25 October : Jeremy Ward (sociologue). Doutes à l’égard des vaccins, rapports à la science. – 15 November : Sarah Rozenblum (politiste). Expertise vaccinale et gestion de crise : mobiliser…

Bernard Seytre

sante-afrique.frblog.bnscom.fr Bernard Seytre Communication – bnscommunication I am a consultant, teacher and trainer in public health communication and I have proposed communication strategies and tools on Covid-19 and EPI vaccines, for the whole of ECOWAS and certain African countries. I have also conducted research on various immunisation issues. I have published articles on Covid-19 and…

Holly Seale Holly Seale Public Health – University of New South Wales I focus on life-course immunisation with a particular focus on migrant and refugees, and adults with chronic health conditions. I have been particularly focused on supporting community led efforts to support acceptance. I am also the Chair of the Collaboration on Social Science and…

Marine Boisson

Marine Boisson Sociology – Chaire Santé Sciences Po Marine Boisson’s work focuses on the organization of human papillomavirus vaccination campaigns by Territorial Health Professional Communities.

Call for Projects: Call for Project for hospital clinical research projects on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (ReCH-MIE 2024) to open soon

The call for ReCH-MIE 2024 projects, launched by the direction générale de l’offre de soins (DGOS) and piloted by ANRS MIE, will open soon. The total amount available for the 2024 campaign is €10 million. Calender: Projects will be selected in two stages: To find out more: Access the full regulations, summarising in particular the…