Publication: Vaccination acceptability in the French general population and related determinants, 2000-2021

Vaux S, Gautier A, Nassany O, Bonmarin I. Vaccination acceptability in the French general population and related determinants, 2000-2021. Vaccine. 2023 Oct 6;41(42):6281-6290. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.08.062. Background: This study describes the evolution of vaccination acceptability and associated determinants in the French general population between 2000 and 2021, and vaccinations with the highest vaccine hesitancy between 2010…

Publication: Healthcare professionals’ attitudes to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination: Cross-sectional survey data from four European countries

Linda C. Karlsson, Amanda Garrison , Dawn Holford , Angelo Fasce , Stephan Lewandowsky, Frederike Taubert, Philipp Schmid, Cornelia Betsch, Fernanda Rodrigues, Lisa Fressard, Pierre Verger, and Anna Soveri, Healthcare professionals’ attitudes to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination: Cross-sectional survey data from four European countries, Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, Aug;19(2):2256442, 2023. Mandatory vaccinations are widely debated…

Publication: Endorsement of alternative medicine and vaccine hesitancy among physicians: A cross-sectional study in four European countries

Fasce A, Karlsson L, Verger P, Mäki O, Taubert F, Garrison A, Schmid P, Holford DL, Lewandowsky S, Rodrigues F, Betsch C, Soveri A., Endorsement of alternative medicine and vaccine hesitancy among physicians: A cross-sectional study in four European countries, Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics,19(2): 2242748, 2023. Vaccine hesitancy has become a threat to public health,…

Publication: International adaptation and validation of the Pro-VC-Be: measuring the psychosocial determinants of vaccine confidence in healthcare professionals in European countries

Garrison A, Karlsson L, Fressard L, Fasce A, Rodrigues F, Schmid P, Taubert F, Holford D, Lewandowsky S, Nynäs P, Anderson EC, Gagneur A, Dubé E, Soveri A, Verger P, International adaptation and validation of the Pro-VC-Be: measuring the psychosocial determinants of vaccine confidence in healthcare professionals in European countries, Expert revies of vaccines, 22(1):726-737, 2023….

Publication: Diversity of attitudes towards complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and vaccines: A representative cross-sectional study in France

J.K. Ward, F Gauna, M Deml, N MacKendrick, P Peretti-Watel, Endorsement of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and vaccine attitudes: A representative cross-sectional study in France, Social Science & Medicine, Vol 7, N°1, 2023. How much does endorsement of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) correlate with negative attitudes towards vaccines? One of the difficulties…