Call for Projects: Call for Project for hospital clinical research projects on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (ReCH-MIE 2024) to open soon

The call for ReCH-MIE 2024 projects, launched by the direction générale de l’offre de soins (DGOS) and piloted by ANRS MIE, will open soon. The total amount available for the 2024 campaign is €10 million. Calender: Projects will be selected in two stages: To find out more: Access the full regulations, summarising in particular the…

Conference: « La quantification des inégalités de santé » Enjeux théoriques et méthodologiques

International conference organised by the ERC GENDHI project & the SHS Santé Platform ( Date: Thursday 4 and Friday 5 July 2024 Location: Campus Condorcet – Centre de colloques, salle 100 Registration link: (waiting list for face-to-face courses but guaranteed availability for distance learning) Presentation: For more than two decades, social inequalities in health…

Publication: Context matters: How to research vaccine attitudes and uptake after the COVID-19 crisis

Ward, J. K., Peretti-Watel, P., Dubé, E., Verger, P., & Attwell, K. (2024). Context matters: How to research vaccine attitudes and uptake after the COVID-19 crisis. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 20(1). doi: Abstract: The pandemic dramatically accelerated research on vaccine attitudes and uptake, a field which mobilizes researchers from the social sciences and humanities as well…

Publication: Explaining Political Differences in Attitudes to Vaccines in France: Partisan Cues, Disenchantment with Politics and Political Sophistication

Jeremy K. Ward, Sébastien Cortaredona, Hugo Touzet, Fatima Gauna, Patrick Peretti-Watel; Explaining Political Differences in Attitudes to Vaccines in France: Partisan Cues, Disenchantment with Politics and Political Sophistication. J Health Polit Policy Law 2024; 11373758. DOI: Abstract Context: The role of political identities in determining attitudes to vaccines has attracted a lot of attention in the last decade. Explanations have tended…

Conference: Le défi de l’explosion des travaux sur les vaccins durant l’épidémie de COVID-19 : un rapport pour favoriser la cumulativité et le dialogue interdisciplinaire – Congrès Association Française de Science Politique

Thematic session on Conducting a literature review in political science: methodological and software innovations, professional and epistemological issues Date: 2-4 July 2024 Location: Grenoble Scientific directors: Vincent Caby (Sciences Po Grenoble) vincent.caby@iepg.frDeborah Galimberti (Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye) Scientific presentation: Conducting a literature review is a “mandatory step » in any research project (Muller [2018] 1990); Surel 2015; Coman…