Raphael Dhuot

https://www.statistiques-recherche.lassuranceretraite.fr/app/uploads/2023/10/DHUOT_cv_2023.pdf Raphael Dhuot Sociology – CNAV After a social science thesis, defended in 2018 (AgroParisTech), devoted to the social factors of differentiation in the diet of very young children, I am currently working in the Aging Research Unit of the CNAV. My research focuses in particular on the social factors of resistance to vaccination among…

Fanny Lauby

Fanny Lauby Political science – Montclair State University Fanny Lauby studies the implementation of public policies, either through the agents in charge of their implementation or through the groups targeted by these policies. Her research focuses on the role of schools and public education agents in the implementation of non-educational policies, such as vaccination policy…

Rachel Démolis

https://www.hes-so.ch/recherche-innovation/projets-de-recherche/detail-projet/logiques-dhesitations-vaccinales-a-lendroit-du-vaccin-contre-la-covid-19-du-personnel-infirmier-dans-les-cantons-de-geneve-et-vaud Rachel Démolis Medical anthropology, sociology – Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud (Lausanne) et Unil (Université de Lausanne) I am principal applicant on several research projects looking at the issues surrounding vaccination, analysed through the prism of socio-anthropology and using an interdisciplinary approach. One of these projects looks at the reasons why nurses in French-speaking…

Pierre France

https://univ-paris1.academia.edu/PierreFrance Pierre France Political science – Aix-Marseille I am working on the sociography of conspiracy theorists from a comparative perspective between France, Lebanon and the United States.

Philip White

Philip White Medicine (General Practice), medical education – Newcastle University Philip White is an NIHR funded Academic Clinical Fellow in General Practice. He is currently working on a PhD looking at how vaccine hesitancy is taught and learned by medical students and doctors. This work revolves around understanding models of successful vaccine hesitancy communication, and…

Françoise Salvadori

Françoise Salvadori Immunology, infocom – Université de Bourgogne / laboratoire CIMEOS Having a background in immunology, I have been interested for some years in the history and contemporary forms of vaccine hesitancy (co-author of the book ‘Antivax, la résistance aux vaccins du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours’, 2019). I am starting an investigation into the…

Koichi Kameda de Figueiredo Carvalho

https://www.centreemiledurkheim.fr/notre-equipe/koichi-kameda/?updated=true Koichi Kameda de Figueiredo Carvalho Sociology, law – Centre Emile Durkheim, Université de Bordeaux Currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Bordeaux and a research associate at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (NIESP) and the Centre Populations et Développement (Université Paris Cité/IRD), I am a lawyer and hold a PhD in sociology from EHESS/Cermes3…

Juliette Gambaretti

Juliette Gambaretti Epidemiology, social sciences – ORS PACA I’m working with Pierre Verger on the ACME project, which aims to improve the acceptability and accessibility of preventive countermeasures, including vaccines, during emerging epidemics. In particular, I’m working on the first part of this study, which aims to assess the facilitators and barriers to the adoption/adherence…

Conference: European Sociological Association, Research Network 16 – Sociology of Health & Medicine

Date: 11 to 12 June 2025 Location: the Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal Conference: European Sociological Association, Research Network 16 – Sociology of Health & Medicine Mid-term Conference Among the sessions: Session 1: Epidemics and Pandemics in the Digital Age: ‘Contested knowledge’, Health and Vaccine Acceptance Session convener: Eve Dubé Abstract Climate change, biodiversity loss,…