Michael Deml

Michael Deml

Michael Deml
Sociology, epidemiology, public health – Institut de recherches sociologiques, Université de Genève, Service de soins palliatifs et de support, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois

Patrick Peretti-Watel

https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=k1zg5x4AAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao Patrick Peretti-Watel Sociology Patrick Peretti-Watel is a sociologist and Research Director at the (patrick.peretti-watel@inserm.fr) in the Emerging Viruses Unit in Marseille. My research over the last twenty years has focused on health risks, including risk behaviour, risk perceptions and crisis management. Since the H1N1 crisis, I have been interested in vaccination issues and have…

Publication: Healthcare professionals’ attitudes to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination: Cross-sectional survey data from four European countries

Linda C. Karlsson, Amanda Garrison , Dawn Holford , Angelo Fasce , Stephan Lewandowsky, Frederike Taubert, Philipp Schmid, Cornelia Betsch, Fernanda Rodrigues, Lisa Fressard, Pierre Verger, and Anna Soveri, Healthcare professionals’ attitudes to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination: Cross-sectional survey data from four European countries, Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, Aug;19(2):2256442, 2023. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37724556/ Mandatory vaccinations are widely debated…