Researchgate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Charles-Khouri
Charles Khouri
Pharmacovigilance/Clinical Pharmacology – Centre Regional de Pharmacovigilance, Centre d’Investigation Clinique-CIC 1406, Laboratoire HP2-U1300, Université & CHU Grenoble Alpes
I am a pharmacologist (PharmD, PhD) at the Clinical Research Center and Pharmacovigilance Department of Grenoble University Hospital, France. My main area of interest is the development and application of methods to identify new iatrogenic etiologies of diseases and to understand their pathophysiological mechanisms. Our main sources of data for these researches are spontaneous reporting databases of adverse events, clinical trials and healthcare databases. In particular, we have characterized the pattern of adverse events reported by individuals after COVID vaccines, explored the sociodemographic factors associated with their perceived severity and the feeling of being at risk of adverse events.